Tuesday, January 20, 2015

President Ted Cruz?


Via Washington Examiner:
Team Ted Cruz is taking shape, and the Senate first-termer’s presidential campaign could start before this spring.
The Republican senator from Texas tentatively plans to launch in the first quarter of this year, with senior campaign roles to be filled by the triumvirate he signed last summer to expand his political operation. At the top is Jeff Roe, whose organizational title is undefined but who would be the campaign’s chief strategic and logistics decision-maker. Jason Miller would shape and oversee campaign messaging; Lauren Lofstrom would direct fundraising.
Cruz is in the process of “feeling out” additional campaign hires and prospective donors in preparation to join the field of 2016 candidates. If the senator decides to run for president, he wants to hit the ground at full speed, a senior Cruz advisor confirmed Monday.
Keep on reading

1 comment:

  1. Hey All,

    Ted Cruz was born in Canada, thus he is NOT a natural born citizen.



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