Saturday, January 31, 2015

West Virginia AFL-CIO is really upset over proposed right-to-work law.

If unions would provide a valuable service to their members, they wouldn't have to worry about right-to-work laws.  Instead, they just take the members money like a farmer would milk a cow.

Via Daily Caller:
A political advocacy group is calling out the leadership of a West Virginia union for attacking a new right-to-work proposal.
Since the midterm election, the Republican majority within the state government has been proposing ideas to help improve the struggling economy. Among these ideas is a right-to-work bill which was introduced Tuesday. However, leadership within the local AFL-CIO quickly condemned the idea with some fairly harsh words.
 If the bill passes, West Virginia will become the 25th state to outlaw forced unionization as a condition of employment.
“They’re f—ing liars,” West Virginia AFL-CIO president Kenny Perdue told the Charleston Daily Mail.
“Workplace freedom is a line of BS,” he continued. “It has nothing to do with workplace freedom. It’s employer freedom to do at will what they want to do to employees — that’s all it is.”
Keep on reading

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