Thursday, May 14, 2015

Amusing: Florida Demo congressman Alan Grayson gets asked about his offshore tax haven

It went about as well as you would expect...

Via Daily Caller:
Florida Democratic congressman Alan Grayson went on a profanity-laced tirade in an interview with a reporter who dared to ask him why he kept his cash in offshore tax havens.
Grayson was a staunch critic of then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for holding money in off-shore accounts, and once demanded the IRS investigate every single Fortune 500 company to uncover their “offshore tax havens.” But in an interview with the Tampa Bay Times’ Adam Smith, he was confronted with evidence that his own corporations were incorporated in the Cayman Islands, a notorious tax haven.
Grayson was, needless to say, less than happy to be challenged on the point when contacted by Smith, calling it “some stupid, bullsh*t story… You want to write sh*t about it, and you can’t because not a single dollar of taxes has been avoided.”
“Are you f*cking kidding?” he continued. “I set up a fund that might solicit foreign investors… I have no present intention of soliciting foreign investors. Your perception issue is bullsh*t.”
“This is a whole ‘nother level of bullsh*t… Are are you some kind of shitting robot? You go around shitting on people?” he asked.
Keep on reading

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