Sunday, July 5, 2015

CNN lapdogs seem OK with being corralled like animals by Hillary Clinton staffers...

God forbid they posted a negative story about the anointed one...
Gorham, New Hampshire (CNN)Hillary Clinton’s campaign used a rope to keep journalists away from the candidate on Saturday while she walked in this small town’s July Fourth parade.
The ensuing photos of journalists, including a CNN reporter, being somewhat dragged by a thin white rope as Clinton walked down Main Street caught fire online.
Initially, Clinton’s campaign was not using a rope to corral the press, allowing journalists to get close to her and ask her questions.
But campaign aides said they brought the rope out because they feared the press scrum of around a dozen reporters and photojournalists would obstruct the view of New Hampshire voters attending the parade.
The rope was held by two of Clinton’s advance staffers, who at times walked ahead of reporters, seemingly pulling them along the parade route.
“You guys, we are going to do 10 yards and a little more organized,” said one of the advance staffers after breaking out the rope.
In explaining why they were using the rope, the staffer said, “so maybe a voter could see her, that kind of thing.”[…]
I would have whipped out my pocket knife and cut the rope, but I am not a lapdog.

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