Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hillary Clinton promises more gun control laws if she is elected...

The Virginia TV shooter passed a background check. Universal background checks would not have had an impact on this shooting, but let's not let facts get in the way of Democrats desire to destroy the 2ns Amendment.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that she felt “great heartache” over the shooting ambush that killed a TV news reporter and cameraman live on air in Virginia, pledging that as president she would fight for more gun-control laws.
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America — and I will take it on,” Mrs. Clinton said in an on-camera statement to reports while on campaign trail in Iowa.
In an emotional plea for more restrictive gun laws, Mrs. Clinton said that too many people known that the availability of firearms is a problem in the United States but avoid the subject because “it is hard.”[...]
Mrs. Clinton said that there was evidence that tougher gun laws would stop the gun violence, but gun-rights advocates dispute those claims.[...]
“It happens every day and there is so much evidence that if guns were not so readily available, if we had universal background checks,“It happens every day and there is so much evidence that if guns were not so readily available, if we had universal background checks,
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