Sunday, November 1, 2020

My Case for President Donald J. Trump's Reelection

President's Trump's promised accomplishments are many. 

1. Cut more regulations than any President in history. 
2. Cut taxes for 85% of Americans and businesses. 
 3. Created record low unemployment and household incomes that rose $6000 per family. He also brought back 400,000 manufacturing jobs after the previous administration lost 200,000 and claimed it was impossible to bring them back. (See items 1 and 2) 
4. Secured the border. By the end of this year, there will be 500 miles of new wall completed. You may remember about a year ago hearing about caravans of thousands of immigrants heading from Central America to the U.S. Plus border apprehensions were at record numbers. You don't hear that anymore because President Trump put an end to it. 
 5. President Trump released a list of judges who actually believe in the Constitution and not writing law from the bench. He has followed that list for his 3 confirmed SCOTUS Justices. 
 6. President Trump promised to unleash the military and crush ISIS which had taken over a significant portion of the Middle East under Obama-Biden. Do you hear about ISIS anymore? President Trump crushed them like a bug and then killed their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was in hiding. As a bonus, President Trump killed Iran's top terrorist Qasem Soleimani.  
7. President Trump promised to rebuild our military and he has. 
8. President Trump promised to fix the poor service and long waits at the VA for our veterans. He passed laws to allow firing of bad VA employees and allow veterans to get private healthcare paid for by the VA, ending the long waits. 
9. He supported our energy industry. Gas is half price now compared to the Obama-Biden years and America is now energy independent from the Middle East. 
10. In 2018, prescription prices started going down and President Trump has taken action to create additional reductions, especially on insulin.

President Trump has accomplished many things he didn't promise.

1. He passed the first step act, giving 10's of thousands of inmates a second chance.
2. President Trump has been a peacemaker. He has 4 peace deals under his belt and has been nominated for 4 Nobel prizes.
3. President Trump has led a massive effort to fight coronovirus. Remember when you heard daily there weren't enough ventilators and PPE? You don't hear that anymore. Democrats still claim there isn't enough testing, but over 1 million tests are being administered daily and anyone who wants a test can get one now. President Trump mobilized 10's of thousands of hospital beds that turned out to not be needed. The fastest a virus vaccine was ever developed was Ebola. It too 5 years. President Trump's Warp Speed initiative will develop multiple covid-19 vaccines within a year. Democrats unfairly blame President Trump for every death, but Dr. Fauci said President Trump followed his recommendations and Dr. Birx said we would lose 200,000 people to covid if we did everything perfect.
4. The economy rebounded with 33% GDP annualized, growth last quarter. That isn't just a record. It's double the previous record. President Trump is leading us out if the covid economic damage at an astounding pace. We are doing far better than Europe which suffered far more economic harm and is now going back into lock down. 

President Trump overcame many obstacles

President Trump accomplished these things in spite of 93% negative news coverage and countless bogus investigations that uncovered zero illegal activity. President Trump is the most investigated President in history. He was impeached for asking about Biden family corruption in the Ukraine. Most would have given up in the face of what President Trump has been through, but he is a fighter and won't quit. President Trump works 20 hours a day for us.

Is Joe Biden a better candidate?

While President Trump was working hard for us, Joe Biden spent most of this year hiding in his basement. He is clearly low energy and often doesn't know where he is at or what office he is running for. Few people think he will actually last 4 years if he is elected. That give us President Kamala Harris, who is most liberal Senator in the Senate. 

If Biden is elected, we will likely see Sec. of Labor socialist Bernie Sanders, Sec. of the Treasury, fake Indian, Elizabeth warren, and Sec. of Defense Hillary Clinton. Also, Stacey Abrams of Georgia has been touted by Democrats as a possible SCOTUS nominee. Of course, Joe won't tell us who he wants to put on the court or if he will agree to packing it as many democrats advocate. 

Joe Biden promises to shutdown covid. His plan includes the same things President Trump is doing now, but he claims, without evidence, he can do them better. This is unlikely since he accomplished almost nothing in in 47 years. The two things he would do different are shutting down the economy again if he is advised to do so (by who?) and to make us all wear masks while we are driving on the interstate. Do you really want another shutdown? 

Joe Biden claims he will bring back character to the Oval Office. The truth is he got rich on a public employee's salary by selling political influence through his son, Hunter, and other family members. We know that from the contents of Hunter's laptop and a credible whistle blower who has turned over corroborating documents and devices to the FBI. We now know while Pelosi and Democrats were impeaching Trump for asking about Biden family corruption in a phone call, the FBI had an active money-laundering investigation into Hunter Biden and his business associates that is still open today. They also had possession of Hunter's laptop and kept it quite. The mainstream media and tech giants are actively suppressing this information as I type this post. 

Joe Biden is a flip-flopper. He has promised to end fracking and fossil fuels, costing 10 million jobs, but now claims he won't. He promised to repeal Trump's tax cut to 85% of Americans and raise your taxes, but now claims he will only raise taxes on those making over $400 thousand a year. Will the real Joe Biden please stand up? 

Does be have a record of telling the truth? No. Joe Biden was once forced to drop out of a presidential race for plagiarism. Obama-Biden claimed they wouldn't raise taxes on the middle-class, but they did. The Obamacare claim that you could keep your plan if you like your plan was Politifact's lie of the year in 2013.

Closing argument.

Gallop recently found 56% of Americans are bettor off today than they were 4 years ago. This is in spite of covid and Joe Biden supporters rioting in the streets. President Trump is stronger than Biden on the economy and law and order. Biden has never condemned Antifa or BLM in spite of the riots. He never will. 

Vote President Trump for  law and order and a continued economic recovery. Vote like your future depends on it. If Democrats gain more power, add states and SCOTUS Justices and use their media allies to censor the information you receive, you won't ever get a second chance to take your country back. 

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