Sunday, September 13, 2009

Best Tea Party Sign Yet?

Is this the best Tea Party protest sign you have seen? If you have a better one, post a link in the comments section.

Image via NewsBusters.


  1. Bluegrass....... I am hereby stealing this sign to post in my blog. In exchange, you may steal a sign from Pesky Emotional Republican. :-)

    Take care, my friend.

    ~~ Lorna

  2. Lorna said...
    Bluegrass....... I am hereby stealing this sign to post in my blog. In exchange, you may steal a sign from Pesky Emotional Republican. :-)

    Take care, my friend.

    ~~ Lorna"

    Please be my guest. You take care too.

  3. Unfortunately they forgot to include Brazil. The largest network of media, and TV Globo newspaper published a manifestation as something unimportant. So they did not contradict the Lula government, the largest advertiser in newspapers and televisions. So he buys and shut the brazilia Press.

  4. Sad news for you rightwingers:

    The United States of America is not "your" country anymore. It belongs to all of us.

    But we understand your frustration and disappointment, since you're not calling all the shots like you're used to. It will take some period of adjustment for you to cope. And if cute little tantrums like the one in D.C. yesterday help, go for it. It means nothing to us.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.