Sunday, September 13, 2009

CNN Uses Pictures to Spin Tea Party protesters as Nazi Militia

CNN ran a story on September 12 about the Tea Party movement. They used three pictures to illustrate the story. One was a woman speaking. As for the other two, one of them has a Swastika, and another has "Start your Militia Training today". These are the most representative signs and pictures CNN could find? No bias there.

Here is one of the signs via CNN. (pic 3/3)

Here is a video from the 9-12 rally in Washington. Anyone see a militia? See any swastikas? How about American flags?


  1. 1. Actually, there are damn few American flags that I saw in that photo. A few yellow Gadsden flags, no doubt carried by people who won't carry an American flag, lest that be interpreted that they respect our nation and our President.

    2. If you don't want to be known by the rightwingnut militiamen, then don't stoke their fires.

    3. Is it still "playing the race card" when pointing out actual racism? If it is, then what IS the rightwingnut-acceptable alternative for when there is racism being exhibited within your ranks? or should it just be ignored, as you wish it would?

  2. Diogenes said...
    "1. Actually, there are damn few American flags that I saw in that photo

    3. Is it still "playing the race card" when pointing out actual racism? "

    Hundreds, if not thousands, of American flags are visible in the video. You apparently didn't watch closely. "Actual racism?" Where? It is not racist just because people oppose Obama and he happens to be black. Which signs were racists? Liberals can't believe anyone would disagree with their twisted and distorted world view. Therefore, they think people who do must be racists.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.