Sunday, August 1, 2010

Obvious: BBC journalist Justin Webb Wonders if it Wouldn't Have Been Better if We'd Had President McCain?

Since President Obama has turned out to be more socialist that most Americans ever dreamed, the answer is an obvious 'yes.' John McCain wouldn't have been the ideal President; even for many Republicans. He supported climate change legislation and until recently leaned more towards immigration reform than border security. McCain infuriated many Republicans with his willingness to cross the aisle and compromise with Democrats. Having said that; McCain is a proven and experienced leader with fire in his belly. John McCain is running as a conservative now in order to win reelection, but few really believe him. McCain is about as middle of the road as politicians of either party go these days. He might have actually succeeded in bringing a new atmosphere to Washington. Here is a snippet from MailOnline:
Which leads thoughtful Americans to look back at the tumult of 2008 and wonder, in two separate cases . . . What if?

The first what if? refers to the main event: the presidential election victory over the elderly Republican dynamo John McCain. I met McCain a few times on the campaign trail and he impressed me with his work-rate and his un-presidential willingness to talk to BBC reporters on the hoof.

I remember tackling him in some God-forsaken town in Indiana or Ohio about why he had just given a speech backing action against climate change when most of his conservative audience regarded the subject as the dotty delusions of socialist Europeans.

Keep reading here.


  1. Better for Democrats, maybe. With President McCain (and, more importantly, VP Palin), would we even have the Tea Party Movement?

  2. Anonymous said...

    " Better for Democrats, maybe. With President McCain (and, more importantly, VP Palin), would we even have the Tea Party Movement? "

    That's an interesting question. The answer is probably no. A case can be made Republicans are actually better off politically since Obama won. This country as a whole is certainly worse off. It will take years to undo the damage an Obama presidency is causing.

  3. I'd rather have McCain & no Tea party & no Obama if I had to make that choice, but i'd rather have a bulldog, strict constitutionalist, free market, control the border, low taxes, kick terrorist butt take names later, kind of Republican over a middle of the road weiner like McCain....

  4. anonymous, the teaparty will be the spoiler....


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