Saturday, October 1, 2011

Obama's Big Secret

Left to Right: Lolo Soetoro, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, baby Maya Soetoro, and 9 year old Barry Soetoro

Muslim Americans love him.
When Barack Hussein Obama first stepped into office in January 2009, he had 92% approval among blacks, 75% approval among Hispanics and 58% approval among whites, according to Gallup.
Since then, his monthly approval has dropped eight points among blacks, 27 points among Hispanics and 25 points among whites. (snip)
Last month, Pew Research Center released a survey of U.S. Muslims that was almost universally overlooked. It found that Muslims overwhelmingly approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president. Fully three-quarters (76%) favor him, compared with just 46% of the general public.
President Obama and the media went to great lengths in 2008 to obscure the fact Barack Obama Jr. was once a little Indonesian boy named Barry Soetoro. The fear was he would be too strongly associated with Muslims. This could have made him unelectable in a post 9/11 United States. Even now, his strong Muslim American support is ignored by most of the mainstream media. I am not advocating that Barack Obama is a secret Muslim, but he certainly is the most Muslim friendly and anti-Israeli President of modern times. Muslim Americans, who have historically supported Republicans because they are pro-business, seem to have taken notice. Don't expect the mainstream media or Team Obama to point this out.

Barry Soetoro's Indonesian School Card

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