Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lib Talker Mike Malloy on Cheney's Possible Death: "He is a walking mass of horror and when he’s gone this planet will be cleaner!"

Can you imagine the liberal outrage if Rush Limbaugh said this about President Obama?
I’m not going to feel anything but intense gratitude that this miserable bastard has stepped off this earthly coil. Really! And I’m sure on a much lesser scale when I die, there will be some of you right-wing flip tops who will feel the same way, I frankly don’t give a damn!

Cheney is responsible, Cheney is a murderer, he’s a killer, he’s a torturer, he is evil personified! He is a walking mass of horror and when he’s gone this planet will be cleaner!

Some of his listeners have comments even more vile than Malloy.

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