Thursday, July 15, 2010

White Obama Picture

This white Obama picture has been making the rounds on the Internet. The picture is usually accompanied with the caption:
Do You Like Him Any Better Now?


Then You’re Not A Racist.

My answer is, "no I wouldn't like a white Obama any better." I didn't like former President Bill Clinton and he was lily white. I disagreed with him on many policy issues and found his lack of morality very troubling. Bill Clinton did have a like-able personality and, compared to Obama, he was almost a centrist. I used to become so angry at former President Bill Clinton that I would turn the TV off, but I never seriously feared for America's future under President Clinton's leadership. Clinton knew where the political center of America was and he plotted a course to far enough to the left of it to satisfy his base, but not enough to alienate Independents. Bill Clinton could be infuriating, but we all knew exactly what he was. On the other hand, President Obama has a very narcissistic personality and, most likely, is a closet socialist. I have never had an angry reaction to President Obama. Instead, I have a feeling of great concern and trepidation. President Obama is wholly a creation of the liberal media. He was elected with no executive experience and very little national political experience. We know less about President Obama than any President in modern times. The liberal media has refused to investigate his past or ask any tough or embarrassing questions. President Obama appears to be an ideologue. The most troubling thing is we don't know what Obama's ideology really is. Please post your answer and reasons under comments.


Anonymous said...

People don't like him because he is a Socialist. The color of his skin is irrelevant.

Sparta SDA said...

Excellent post. I have shared it on my Facebook giving all credit of the article to you with your link. I couldn't have said any better than you did.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Cris said...

"Excellent post. I have shared it on my Facebook giving all credit of the article to you with your link. I couldn't have said any better than you did."

Thank you. I hope your Facebook fans will enjoy the post too.

Unknown said...

Hehehe ... we had Joker Obama ... now we have kracker Obama