Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Poll: 49 percent of voters think Obama has made economy worse

More voters think President Obama owns this economy.
(FOX News)- Voters are more than twice as likely to say the economy is getting worse than to say it is getting better. The new poll found 58 percent of voters think the economy is getting worse. That’s up from 52 percent who felt that way last year and 42 percent in 2009.

On the flip side, 26 percent think things are getting better economically — down from 35 percent who thought things were improving last summer, and 40 percent in 2009.

Likewise, by a 15 percentage-point margin, more voters say the Obama administration has made the economy worse (49 percent) rather than better (34 percent).

While over half of Democrats think the Obama administration is helping, about one in six says it is making things worse (17 percent). Independents are 20 points more likely to think the White House is doing damage to the economy.

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