Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Did Michelle Obama disrespect the flag at 9-11 ceremony? (video)

Many people are claiming if you read Michelle Obama's lips, she leans over to Obama and says, “All this for a flag,” during the folding of the flag that survived the attack on the World Trade Center. I don't read lips. You watch and decide for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Of course she did. She hates this country and would just as soon trample on the flag than honor it. They are both the enemy from within.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Sort of looks like that is what she said. Would not be suprised that it is what she said. She did say something negative look at her face after Obama looks at her and shakes his head. She was annoyed about something.

Anonymous said...

You are crazy if you think that's what she said. People are also saying she rolls her eyes and he looks smug. Again, crazy! They are looking somber and showing grief in reaction to the beautiful ceremony! Some people will create controversy anywhere just for the sake of it. Those of you who do are what is wrong with politics these days.

Anonymous said...

michelle antoinette obama hates this country and the flag. Can't wait to fire these two in 2012

Bluegrass Pundit said...

I have no experience reading lips, so I can't say for sure what Michelle said. I think people can easily accept it was a negative comment about the flag/event based on the 20 years she sat beside Barack in Reverend Wright's church. You may remember Michelle was only able to be proud of being an American after Barack Obama was elected president.

Anonymous said...

I don't read lips very well, and that CSPAN banner is blocking the full view of her mouth and chin. I'm in no way coming to her defense about the things we already know about her, but I AM of the opinion that this one may be a bit of a stretch. Much of the time people are going to see what they want to see, or what they are told they are seeing. She could be saying "those fifes are on pitch" for all we know. Call me blind, but I cannot see that she's saying what she is being accused of saying. Do I think she is capable of it? I think that if she wasn't, this would not be a subject on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what she said...just get them out of the WH.

Anonymous said...

You would think that with all the free stuff she gets The First Tranny would love this country

gildedtumbril said...

Of course the Kenyan-born muslim's beard disrespects the flag.
I call her Hippopotamouth.

SwissMonk said...

I'm not a fan of the Obuttholes, but it looks like,

"They don't know how to fold that flag."

Where are all the lip readers on this?


Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous!!! There is NO WAY one can be certain that is what she said. Try this with your spouse tonight. Get her attention and then mouth the word "vacuum" to her. See if she thinks it APPEARS you said "Fuck you".

Lilli said...

Regardless of what she said...(and so far no one has come up with even ONE other phrase she may have been saying)...it is obvious she was saying it is disgust....and yes, there was most definitely an "eye roll"...Look, she new that being the First "lady" was going to come with a price, that price not only being her 100k vacations, designer clothes.. hideous though they may be, but it also comes with a generally accepted premise, that she will behave with grace and decorum at public events..I don't care what she does behind closed doors, but like it or not, she DOES represent America..If she simply has no idea how to act with class...maybe studying every single First Lady before her can prove educational....Simply put...When at public affairs, don't smack your lips, shake your head and roll your eyes like a hoodrat...And for God's sake...Stop buying your clothes in the teen section of Target....

Anonymous said...

What would you expect from people who hate out God,country and flag.

Anonymous said...

send her to SOMALIA or RWANDA, where she belongs...

cile said...


cile said...


Anonymous said...

Honestly, no one can be 100 % certain about what she is saying. But to me, the last word looks like she is saying "five". And there are 5 people folding the flag. So she could be saying something like "The flag is folded by five" And then shakes her head because she can't believe that it take 5 people. We would have the same look on our face if we say something done and we didn't know how it was done. No one knows for sure. There are many things she could be saying!

mecaweeroad said...

If you are true to your convictions and believe what you say, quit hiding behind Anonymous. So easy for you to be tough and brave and hide your face, hide your identity, and diminish whatever little self-respect you may have...

Your words have no value as long as you hide.

Oh, what was your name again?

(And I am NOT an Obama supporter)

Rick Andersen, Minneapolis