Thursday, January 19, 2012

GOP Rep. Takes Buffet Up On Deficit Reduction Donation Pledge

Warren Buffet promised to match any Republican donation to reduce the deficit. Rep. Scott Rigell took Buffet up on the offer. This cost Warren Buffet $49,000. Buffet's $49,000 donation paid for 1 second of Obama's daily deficit spending. The current Obama daily deficit is $3.96 billion.
Warren Buffett will be writing a check made out to the United States Treasury for just over $49,000 to help pay down the national debt.

He's matching voluntary contributions made this year and last year by Rep. Scott Rigell, a Republican representing Virginia.

In a letter to Rep. Rigell released today by Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett writes he's "particularly impressed that you took this action before my challenge."

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