Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ed Schultz flips his lid over Obamacare (video)

This is shameful. Ed Schultz flips out on MSNBC.

From the video:
Hold it right there! The Republicans lie. They want to see you dead! They’d rather make money off your dead corpse! They kinda like it when that woman has cancer and they don’t have anything for her!


JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Studies and voter registration lists show that most funeral directors are republicans BP. They have a vested interest in keeping the number of corpses high.

Of course I made that up but I bet it got your attention.
Unfortunately, too many people wait until they no longer have health insurance before realizing that no health insurance is a problem.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

TRUTH 101 said...

"Studies and voter registration lists show that most funeral directors are republicans BP. They have a vested interest in keeping the number of corpses high."

I would respond, but I am needed in the mortuary.


Teresa said...

Maybe I should become a funeral director?

Ed Schultz is a complete moron that needs a whole complete physical in order to get a laugh to come out of that body.

Zelia said...

Hmmm... Ironic, since soon or later, the equal opportunity death will come to Republicans or Democratics... Has anyone thought about that????