Thursday, September 17, 2009

House Votes to Cut Off ACORN Funding

The ACORN organization is being cracked more every day. The release of several video tapes of ACORN misconduct and a Senate vote to strip ACORN of all funding have taken a toll on the organization in the last few days. Now, the House has voted overwhelmingly to defund ACORN.

From The Hill:
In a vote of 345-75-2 on Thursday, the House approved a GOP amendment to a student loan bill that would defund the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Since 1995, the nonprofit, grass-roots group has received more that $50 million in federal funds.

This vote comes in the wake of videos released last week in which ACORN employees tell undercover citizen journalists posing as a pimp and prostitute how to evade federal tax laws. It was the latest in a wave of controversies that the self-described, nonpartisan organization has been in the center of -- primariliy concerning voter fraud.

Here are the NAYS.
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