Monday, August 22, 2011

Liberal MSM Omitted Maxine Waters Overt Threat to Tea Party

Most everyone has heard Demo Rep. Maxine Waters said,
“the Tea Party can go straight to hell"
Most of the MSM ended the story there, but Waters didn't stop. She continued,
“And I intend to help them get there.”
Lets listen for Democrats call for her resignation. Crickets...
(Breitbart TV) — While the media plays up the Los Angeles congresswoman’s “the Tea Party can go straight to hell’ comments from this weekend, they are ignoring what she said right after that. When the wild cheers of the audience calmed down, Rep. Waters then said: “And I intend to help them get there.”
Is there any doubt that if a Tea Party representative had said that “the Congressional Black Caucus can go straight to hell and we intend to help them get there”, we would be hearing loud condemnations about the hateful rhetoric from the extremists in the Republican Party?

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