Friday, February 15, 2013

Good News: Washington Post slashes staff

 54 are being shown the door...
It's amazing how quickly a left-wing newspaper will turn into the stereotypically evil corporate maven. The Post is not only trying to hush-hush the layoffs, but also using cold, calculated words like "inefficiencies" to describe the pulling of a rug out from under a human being's life:   
Every department facing cuts was asked to keep the news to their department only, as to not make it look like a mass layoff. We’re told those given pink slips include Beth Jacobs, General Manager of Mobile, and Ken Dodelin, Director of Mobile Products. Sources say the entire Mobile Product Management and IT Project Management staffs have been eliminated.
“[CIO and VP Shaliesh] Prakash thinks these are ‘inefficiencies’ –  that is the exact word he uses for human beings who are not useful according to him,” said a source who spoke only on condition of anonymity. “Get rid of experienced people to save money, under the garb of streamlining is the new trend inside the Post.”

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