Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bush shoe thrower statue is being removed

I must say former President Bush took this incident with great dignity and decent reaction time. Well, as much dignity as you can have while having a shoe lobbed at you. I wonder if President Obama would be so gracious? He seems much quicker to anger than former President Bush.
Police Order Statue Dedicated to Bush Shoe-Thrower Removed

BAGHDAD — The director of an orphanage in Tikrit says she must remove the shoe sculpture set up to honor the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former U.S. President George W. Bush. Excerpted from


bkgodfrey said...

Agreed, BDS is persistent and far-reaching.

LeDaro said...

BDS influence will disappear after US forces pull out. Right now they are pointed at so-called leaders of Iraq and leaders do whatever is demanded of them. Monument will be back.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So. 4213 of our guys died to bring freedom to Iraq and a statue of a show is made to be removed. Once we leave it will be put back up. There's something wrong with this picture.

Michael Pekker said...

I am sorry for Iraqi people if that is the biggest pride they have. It was easier to capture Kuwait as spanking small boy. It was completely different to fill the promise to convert the land into graveyard for US soldiers.

gcotharn said...

I agree Barack has thinner skin and is quicker to anger than GWB. Barack also seems to hold grudges quite well.

LeDaro said...

TRUTH101, you're forgetting this war was fought for oil. Bush scarified all these soldiers for oil and hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqis were killed in the process. Shoe must remain on Bush's head.

Anonymous said...

re: LeDaro: "Bush scarified all these soldiers for oil".

Bush neither 'scarified' nor sacrificed soldiers for oil. The UN Oil for Food program was riddled with loop holes & corruption. Sanctions against Iraq could only be lifted by removing Saddam from power.

LeDaro said...

adagioforstrings, ok I misspelled “sacrificed”. Touché. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed and millions displaced and are living in neighbouring countries under deplorable conditions. Plus millions are living in subhuman conditions with no water sewers and electricity and very little food all because of this illegal invasion. Do you call it democracy? Good for you.

Ayrdale said...

Hey, this Kiwi thinks Dubya handled the whole episode with agile aplomb. Pretty good for an old guy, (kidding, I'm older than he is).
What will be pleasing GWB right now are the elections in Iraq; obviously they are pleasing many thousands of Iraqi's too...

BC said...

I don't have anything bad to say about Bush

LeDaro said...

I must say that I do not agree with you folks at all but you're polite. Most of the Conservatives I deal with are so damn rude. Keep up that part.

Iraq war was unnecessary and caused untold murder and mayhem. One of the worst carnage in recent history. 138 people murdered during January 2009 election; I suppose it is peaceful compared to last 6 years of murder and mayhem. It is a society which has been completely destroyed. Please get in touch with your humanity.

Bush could have been likable if he was not a complete moron and incompetent.

Anonymous said...

dumb rednecks, dont you idiots realize that in the arab culture, having a shoe thrown at you is like THE BIGGEST insult you could possibly execute....ignorant Americans, he didnt handle it with dignity, he was a F***ing moron who didnt realize what it meant. "heh, if anyone wants to know his shoe size...its 10" ....ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME? THAT WAS THE LEADER OF OUR NATION....sad, thank GOODNESS hes out.