Personally, I am going to miss this guy. He epitomizes the worst of Democratic politics. He has been an embarrassment to Democrats in general and the State of Illinois. Well, Democrats anyway. He is just following a long tradition of corrupt politicians in Illinois. Wait a minute. Doesn't Barack Obama hail from the State of Illinois?
Illinois Senate Kicks Blagojevich Out of Office
Illinois senators were unswayed by Rod Blagojevich's closing statement delivered earlier in the day in which the former governor insisted that he should not be thrown out of office on what he called incomplete evidence.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Illinois senators stripped Rod Blagojevich of power Thursday in the final act of a political drama that handed the reins of state government to his estranged lieutenant, Pat Quinn, and will likely end Blagojevich's career in politics. (excerpted) from FoxNews.com...
If you're saying this corruption is unique to Democrats, please note that Blagojevich's predecessor, George Ryan, who is doing time is a Republican.
Yes, Obama does hail from the state of Illinois. What is your point?
"Blogger goody said...
Yes, Obama does hail from the state of Illinois. What is your point?"
The Illinois political machine is ripe with corrupt politicians. That is not in question. Barack Obama is a product of that machine. I think it is a fair consideration.
That politico link in your blog sure is interesting. I am curious as to all the names that Blagojevich kept teasing us with today.. (Rohm Emmanuel in particular..)
Now that he has lost his job and may go to prison, I don't think he will hold back anything.. Get ready..
Barack Obama is a product of that machine. I think it is a fair consideration.
A "fair" consideration? Is it fair to paint an entire group of people because of the state they originate from? Is guilt by association fair? Furthermore, the evidence in the Blagojevich case has shown that Obama and his camp weren't playing Blagojevich's game.
This is America. We don't judge people by where they come from.
Here in Illinois we often judge people from where they came from. And if you think that Barack Obama was missing his votes in Illinois as much as he did in Washington, you would be wrong. Ask the Illinois senators and they will tell you that Obama spent most of his time in Springfield acting incredibly bored, so who knows what was going on.
Hey All,
I would like to comment that I think the Illinois Legislature moved too quickly on this Impeachment issue.
I can not see how they could do this BEFORE Blagojevich has even been indicted by Fitz.
What will happen if he is not indicted, or if he is found not guilty?
You do realize that 3 of the 4 Govenors in jail, or who has served jail time are Democrats, or maybe you just overlooked that FACT?
But with that said, Illinois sure is full of "questionable" Representatives.
Why do the people continue to elect these folks?
You do realize that 3 of the 4 Govenors in jail, or who has served jail time are Democrats, or maybe you just overlooked that FACT?
No, I've haven't overlooked that "FACT". If you read my original post again, I said that corruption is not unique to Democrats, as the blog posting seemed to imply. That is also a fact and ultimately dishonesty.
But with that said, Illinois sure is full of "questionable" Representatives.
It is, but that doesn't reflect upon Obama. He has been honest and there's no evidence that he was involved in Blago's corruption and I'm unaware of Obama being involved in any other Illinois corruption. If you or anyone else has evidence to the contrary, please cite it, otherwise this "Illinois is full of corruption and, gee, Obama comes from Illinois" argument/supposition is an exercise in futility and ultimately dishonesty.
I screwed up editing my last post.
"and ultimately dishonesty." was not meant to be on the end of my first paragraph, just the second.
"goody said...
I screwed up editing my last post.
"and ultimately dishonesty." was not meant to be on the end of my first paragraph, just the second.'
Don't sweat it. If I had a dime for every post I messed up....
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