The Postmaster General is trying to scare Congress. He is threatening a mail delivery cut. He said the mail delivery may be cut by one day a week. The Post office has been making money recently. They have raised rates in the last several years. I don't know what his problem is. I am not in that big a hurry to get my bills anyway. If the Post Office can't delivery the mail six days a week, it is time we considered privatizing mail delivery.
Postmaster General: Mail days may need to be cut
WASHINGTON – Massive deficits could force the post office to cut out one day of mail delivery, the postmaster general told Congress on Wednesday, in asking lawmakers to lift the requirement that the agency deliver mail six days a week.
If the change happens, that doesn't necessarily mean an end to Saturday mail delivery. Previous post office studies have looked at the possibility of skipping some other day when mail flow is light, such as Tuesday.
Faced with dwindling mail volume and rising costs, the post office was $2.8 billion in the red last year. "If current trends continue, we could experience a net loss of $6 billion or more this fiscal year," Potter said in testimony for a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee.
(Excerpt) Read more at news.yahoo.com ...
Cut it to one day a week.
In this economy, shouldn't the Post Office deliver mail all seven days in order to create jobs? I wonder of the Obama administration will criticize the Postmaster General about this like he criticizes Wall Street so easily.
"Blogger AsianConservatives.com said...
In this economy, shouldn't the Post Office deliver mail all seven days in order to create jobs? I wonder of the Obama administration will criticize the Postmaster General about this like he criticizes Wall Street so easily."
That is an astute observation. Nice point AsianConservative.
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