Saturday, June 2, 2012

Unemployment rose to 8.2 percent yesterday. Obama attended six fundraisers.

No amount of money will buy Barack Obama a second term.
( — President Barack Obama is holding six separate fundraisers in the Midwest on Friday, June 1 — the same day the Labor Department reported the May unemployment rate ticked up to 8.2 percent from 8.1 percent.
On this day in 1984 — when President Ronald Reagan also was running for re-election — Reagan announced that the May unemployment rate had dropped to 7.4 percent.
When President Reagan announced the lower May unemployment rate on June 1, 1984, he was on his way, not to a fundraiser, but to Western Europe, to promote peace and democracy in the Cold War era.
“Some good news for the economy tonight,” Peter Jennings, the late ABC News anchorman, announced on his June 1, 1984 broadcast, citing the drop in unemployment. Jennings noted that the unemployment rate was at its lowest level since 1981, and he called it “good political news for President Reagan.”
“It means real people in every category of the labor force are going back to work.” The report led the June 1, 1984 “World News Tonight” broadcast.

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