Monday, January 10, 2011

Left-Wing Democrats Use Giffords Shooting to Raise Funds

Here is a screen capture of a letter sent out by 21st Century Democrats on the night of the shooting. If someone clicks the "Click here to share your thoughts" link, They are taken to a page with a duplicate of the letter, comment box and donation button.

21st Century Democrats claim to be "Building A progressive Majority" and, claim in the letter, to have helped reelect Giffords in 2010. Their 2010 candidates page features Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Keith Ellison and Alan Grayson among others. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords isn't listed as a supported candidate. This is hardly surprising considering she is a 'blue dog' Democrat who supports the 2nd Amendment, strong border enforcement and was one of 19 House Democrats to vote against Nancy Pelosi as Minority Leader for 2011. Giffords would hardly fit in with progressive 21st Century Democrats. This didn't stop them from shamelessly blaming Sarah Palin, claiming to be Giffords supporters and using this tragedy for fund-raising.


Teresa said...

Progressives using this tragedy for political gain is sickening.

Rebel Yid said...

It is a shameless and morally bankrupt act to politicize such a tragic event, and use it to squash legitimate political dissent. The vast majority of the American people know better.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Rebel Yid said...

"It is a shameless and morally bankrupt act"

Morally bankrupt sums it up pretty well...