Friday, April 4, 2014

Mother suspended from her child's school over Common Core opt out forms

So much for freedom of speech...

Via EAG News:
Officials at Sacramento Unified School District need to remind themselves that public schools belong to the public, and the public has a right to express itself about education issues.
Katherine Duran is the mother of a student at Sacramento’s Mark Twain Elementary, and one of many parents with deep concerns about the school’s scheduled transformation to Common Core math and English standards in the fall.
As a form of protest, Duran printed out a bunch of forms for parents, which they can sign if they want to have their children opted out of Common Core testing.
She gave the forms to her son, Christopher Duran, who handed them to other students to take home to their parents.
That was obviously too much for school officials, who had a police officer visit Duran’s house and hand her a notice of a 14-day suspension from school property.
Keep on reading….

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