Saturday, December 4, 2010

Finally a Bipartisan Issue: Congress Voted to Turn Down Loud TV Ads

Those loud TV ads will be a thing of the past soon. Congress has finally found an issue with wide support. They want to turn down those loud TV ads. Now, if they could only repeal Obamacare and come up with real bipartisan health care reform, that would be progress. Don't hold your breath.

Via Time:
Thanks to the House's passage of the CALM Act on Thursday, everyone can calm down. Piloted by California Rep. Anna Eshoo, the bill grants the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) agency to enforce that a commercial's volume level parallels the television show playing during its allotted times. Ars Technica notes that this issue has been paramount over several years, placing at the top of the complaint list in 21 of the FCC's last 25 quarterly memos.

The Wall Street Journal adds that unlike some issues in Washington, this bill picked up supportive traction from both houses...

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