Monday, April 4, 2011

Rasmussen: 50% of Voters Think Democrats Agenda is Extreme

Calling the Democrats agenda extreme is being too kind. Let's be frank and call it Socialist.
(Rasmussen)-  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 45% say it would be more accurate to describe the agenda of Republicans in Congress as mainstream, up five points from last month. Thirty-eight percent (38%) say it’s more accurate to describe that agenda as extreme, while 17% more are undecided.

But half of voters (50%) say the Democratic agenda in Congress is extreme, while 37% see it as mainstream, also up five points from a month ago. Another 14% are not sure.

1 comment:

GeronL said...

They are ready to shut down the government to defend government-funded baby killing.

That is extremist