Sunday, October 11, 2009

White House Calls Fox News An "Arm" Of The GOP (video)

White House communications director Anita Dunn denounced Fox News on CNN:
"If we went back a year ago to the fall of 2008, to the campaign, that was a time this country was in two wars that we had a financial collapse probably more significant than any financial collapse since the Great Depression. If you were a Fox News viewer in the fall election what you would have seen were that the biggest stories and the biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and a something called ACORN."

"The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party. And it is not ideological... what I think is fair to say about Fox, and the way we view it, is that it is more of a wing of the Republican Party."

According to Hope for America:
No word yet as to whether or no MSNBC is an "arm" of the DNC


Bluegrass Pundit said...

Diogenes said...

If you have an argument to make, please do so. Otherwise, your insults will be deleted in the future.

Diogenes said...

Let's get this straight:

Right after posting some drivel about Al Gore cutting off a dissenter's microphone, you delete my comment because you find it insulting?

Hypocrisy knows no bounds in JY, I guess.

It's not my fault that the five states with the lowest level of education voted for McCain, and the five states with the highest level of education voted for Obama. It's not fault that most members of the media are educated, and therefore voted for Obama. It's not my fault that Rash Limbore, Shun Honesty, and Glenn Dreck don't have a single college degree between them.

Sorry you find facts like those insulting.

Sandy Childs said...

The key word, I believe, in the White House spokeswoman's comments is "RESEARCH." In order to REPORT, one must first do research. When I was in school, I learned that reporters are required to ask the questions "Who, What, When, Where, and Why?" It's clear that the White House objects to a particular FOX program which is doing some excellent and quite revealing investigative journalism.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Diogenes said...

"Let's get this straight:

Right after posting some drivel about Al Gore cutting off a dissenter's microphone, you delete my comment because you find it insulting?"

I only find excessive name calling insulting.

Sandy Childs said...

When "Diogenes" stated "It's not my fault that Rush Limbore, Shun Honesty, and Glenn Dreck don't have a college degree between them," I guess he didn't realize they're in VERY good company! Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, and George Washington did not have college degrees. Edison was home schooled, period. This is just a short list which also includes the late ABC News anchorman Peter Jennings, who dropped out of school in the 10th grade.

Diogenes said...

Oh, surely there are some intelligent non-college folks out there, Sandy. But do you find it even a little coincidental that ALL of the rightwingnut talkradio icons are devoid of even a single degree between them? Doesn't it suggest SOMETHING that the five states with the highest average education voted for Obama, and the five states with the least education voted for McCain?

(And please notice, Mr. Pundit, that I deleted the "tooth" reference to Kentuckians this time, just to honor your delicate sensibilities.)

Editor said...

They'll just try to shut us up through pop culture and the MSM

Sandy Childs said...

No, Diogenes, I don't think it's a coincidence that people in the states with the highest level of education voted for Obama. (Assuming that's true.) Your premise that there's a link between education and voting for Obama is based on your belief that he was the choice of "smart" people. However, earning a college degree does not require curiousity, open mindedness, common sense, or the ability to think critically. The "rightwingnut" talk radio hosts you so snidely deride have all those qualities and then some. I understand that you don't see it. That's fine. You don't have to listen.