Friday, May 9, 2014

Democrats divided over Benghazi select committee...

Nancy Pelosi hardest hit...
Via Politico:
. . . Pelosi’s allies appear split. Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro sent a letter to colleagues Thursday evening suggesting that just one Democrat should sit on the panel. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Cailf.), a veteran of congressional investigations, signaled he wants multiple members of his party on the committee.
Republicans have seven seats, while Democrats have five.
Pelosi has been in California the last two days fundraising with President Barack Obama and Republicans are seizing on her absence to say she’s deaf to the need for the investigation into the 2012 attacks.
At a Friday morning caucus meeting, Pelosi seemed keenly aware of the variety of opinion within her party. To those who suggested Democrats participate without any concessions, she said, “Thanks a lot for giving me leverage over the last couple of days.”
Waxman, according to sources, said that Pelosi is the greatest leader he’s worked with, and added, “She just flew to L.A. and back in two days and that can make you a little grumpy.” Her caucus laughed.

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