Monday, November 4, 2013

Unbelievable: Less than 2% of individual and family plans meet so-called Essential Health Benefits requirement...

Democrats thought Americans were too stupid to know when an insurance plan was good enough.

Via American Commitment:
. . . Millions of Americans are being told their plans are “lousy” or “crummy” because they are indeed, in a hyper-literal sense of the word, “substandard.”
Meaning they fail to meet the new standard for so-called Essential Health Benefits required of all plans in the individual and small-group markets when they lose grandfather status. This is the “standard,” in brief [seen above]:
This “standard” excluded nearly every plan in the individual market.
According to HealthPocket: “The data shows that there will be a near complete transformation of the individual and family health insurance market starting in 2014. Less than 2% of the existing health plans in the individual market today provide all the Essential Health Benefits required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).”
Even the best of the best plans are being canceled in the individual market

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