Gibbs addresses Obama birth certificate controversy
Gibbs claims he was the one who advocated posting Obama's birth certificate online. Many claim it was a fraud. Watch this YouTube amateur make a duplicate of the one posted in 5 minutes.
Make your own Obama birth certificate
Did the state of Hawaii verify the document posted online was Obama's birth certificate and Obama was born in Hawaii? No. They could have said, "Obama was born in Hawaii," but they didn't. Instead, in a carefully worded statement they said, they had “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” They didn't say what it contained. Why not? (Update: HDOH has issued another statement saying Obama was born in Hawaii.) Is it possible to have a Hawaiian birth certificate and not be born in Hawaii? Yes, it is. Sun Yat Sen the Father of Modern Communist China has a Hawaiian Birth Certificate, but he was born in China.
Sun Yat Sen's Hawaiian birth certificate.

(click for larger view)
Under this statute excerpted below, it was possible to get a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth by simply filing a document attesting to the birth and the status of the parents.
[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.
(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.
(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]
There is also the issue of the birth announcement found in two Hawaiian newspapers. Many claim this is indisputable proof Obama was born in Hawaii. Others are less sure.
The announcements of Barack Obama's birth printed by two Hawaii newspapers in 1961 do not provide solid proof of a birth in the Aloha State because of uncertainties over the policies and procedures that apparently were being used at the time.
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, for example, according to its website, now reprints birth information it receives from Hawaii's Department of Health.
"We don't have an editor who handles birth and marriage announcements; we print
what we receive from the Department of Health Vital Statistics System," a Star-Bulletin newsroom operator explained to WND.
The operator said, "This is how we've always done it."
The newspaper's "proof" of birth, therefore, could be based on a state-issued "Certification of Live Birth" which, as WND has reported is insufficient alone, even for some State Department officials, to document the birthplace.
Many people remain unaware a child does not even have to be born in Hawaii to receive a Certification of Live Birth, the very "evidence" the White House has cited in defending its assertion Obama was born in Hawaii. (accent mine)
Notice of Obama's birth in Hawaiian newspapers
If Obama was actually born in Hawaii, is there still a reason he might not release his original birth record? There could be. Barack Obama's mother married an Indonesian man, Lolo Soetoro, and moved to Indonesia with young Barack. Lolo Soetoro may have adopted Barack. Barack Obama was listed in Indonesian school as Barry Soetoro.
Obama's "Barry Soetoro" school registration

When a child is adopted, an amended birth certificate is issued and becomes the public record. If Obama were adopted and claimed Indonesian citizenship for part of his life, that could explain why he won't release his passport records or early college records. Would that make Obama ineligible? I will leave that question to the "legal eagles." However, questions about his divided loyalty could be very damaging.
President Obama could end this controversy tomorrow by authorizing the release of his original birth, college and passport records. He refuses to do so for some unknown reason. Instead he has spent hundreds of thousands in legal fees to fight demands he prove his eligibility.
Obama post election legal fees

Now you know why those derided as "birthers" won't shut up until Obama releases all his records.
Obama's real dad could likely have been Frank Marshall Davis, a known early black commie activivst -- from the late 1950's / early 1960's who's girlfriend, albeit Davis was married to another white woman with children, was Barack Obama's mother, who was rather "wild" in those days (and Davis sure looks more like Barack than Barack Sr.). To cover up the cheating Davis and illigitimate Barack, they schemed to have a Kenyan student at Univ. of Hawaii, Barack Sr. pose as the father. By the way, it is widely known that Frank Marshall Davis was a close family friend to 'President' Barack's mother's parents -- who were lefties as well; and BHO writes in his books of his close mentor, Frank Miles Davis.
I could go on and on. But refusing to show a copy of the original vault Hawaiian Birth Certificate may not necessarily be about whether or not he was born in Hawaii; it may likely be that he WAS born in Hawaii, but the birth certificate shows his father to be Frank Marshall Davis -- hence showing that Barack's entire life has been a fraud.
Excellent article, a clear and concise demonstration that the matter of Obama's birthplace is not a loony-conspiracy issue, but a serious and valid question.
There should be a Constitutional Amendment requiring candidates for U.S. President to produce proof of natural-born citizenship prior to appearing on the ballot. One would think that the eligibility for President as defined in the Constitution implies that such a requirement already exists, but apparently not; the Senate is the sole "watchdog" for eligibility, and if the Senate shirks this duty, there is no fall-back.
My question is this: as strongly as conservatives oppose his policies, if the suspicions about his birthplace prove correct, would Obama's impeachment be the best thing for the country? I would think not. I would rather opt to defeat him in the political realm of ideas and risk failure, than guarantee the social and political strife (and that's putting the likely outcome mildly mildly) that would result in the nation's first black President being removed from office for something he had no control over - the place of his birth.
What do you think?
David Reid said...
"I would rather opt to defeat him in the political realm of ideas and risk failure, than guarantee the social and political strife (and that's putting the likely outcome mildly mildly) that would result in the nation's first black President being removed from office for something he had no control over - the place of his birth.
What do you think?"
It is questionable if the Supreme Court would remove him. Congress would never impeach with the large Democratic majorities they currently have. However, Obama is clearly hiding something. I think the electorate has a right to know what that is. Then, let the chips fall where they may.
Here's another stone for people challenging Obama's citizenship qualifications to be president to turn over. Rumor mill is indicating that Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian COLB.
Did you know? Obama’s half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth
"It is questionable if the Supreme Court would remove him. Congress would never impeach with the large Democratic majorities they currently have."
I don't think the Supreme Court could remove him, since Congress certified his election. Impeachment would never happen, but I bet Republicans in Congress would try anyway. I just have the sinking feeling we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot at that point, as far as garnering support from the American public. The time to sort this issue out came and went by election night. Either way, we'll have to live with the consequences of an irresponsible Congress, as we have innumerable times before.
Get his Kenyan arse out of Joe Biden's chair!
This is just plain embarrassing. And these are the same people who think global warming is a conspiracy.
Time will prove them wrong, yet their denial will keep them from learning anything from it.
Did you hear the REAL truth? Obama's dad was Micahel Jackson and his mom is Sarah Palin. really, it's true. I read it on the Internets!
I would ask evryone to consider the posibility that the obama we see today might not be the real obama. there may be something on the original birth certificate that could possibly reveal that this obama has been substituted for the original while they were out of the country. for instance if as i have seen on many original birth cert's there was also recorded the footprints of the baby;
it is a known fact that footprints are almost as accurate at identifying a person as fingerprints are. If one could get a copy of the original b. cert. and got a copy of the obama we see tody, they might be so different that it would prove that todays obama might be a muslim brainwashed planted substitute for the original
Anonymous said...
"I would ask evryone to consider the posibility that the obama we see today might not be the real obama."
Obama is hiding something, nut that theory seem far-fetched.
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