Saturday, January 16, 2010

Caption This Photo Of Michelle Obama

Caption This Photo Of Michelle Obama.

Click comments to caption this photo.

: Angela said...

Now children, all together....Equal work means equal pay, mmm...mmm...mmm.
And remember, YOU made those words up YOURSELF because you are talented and ready to serve your master...errr...President..

Honorable Mention: Jennifer said...

Kids, your tax bill will be "this big" by the time you are working. Stay in school-the better the education, the more you make, and the more you make, the more we can take!


Bluegrass Pundit said...

Look at me. I am your Queen and I command you!

Ben LeJeune said...

"My husband's ego is thhiiisss big"

watchingeye said...

Degree clear, for when you HAVE to be DRY!

Anonymous said...

The hills are alive with the sound of bullsh$t...

Anonymous said...

My Husband is going to save the world and I can fly.

Pat said...

"I am Queen of the world!"

Anonymous said...

"Okay Kids, let's all sing praises to the allmighty Obama again!"

Anonymous said...

If you pledge allegiance to Mr. Obama, all your dreams will come true. Everyone say yay!

Anonymous said...

I arrived here on my husband's unicorn named Pixie. If you get your mommies and daddies to each give us $100 you can meet Pixie. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Kum Ba Yah

Anonymous said...

Hey, kids I'm over here! Pay attention to me. Don't you know who I am? I'm Michelle, where are you going?

Blaze said...

Mmm Mmmm Mmmm Barrack Hussein Obama..C'mon kids, sing it with me; Simon says, "Mmm Mmmm Mmmm..."

Michelle (The Beartwinsmom) said...

Children, we grew a sweet potato THIS BIG in the White House garden.

Anonymous said...

Now children, all together....Equal work means equal pay, mmm...mmm...mmm.
And remember, YOU made those words up YOURSELF because you are talented and ready to serve your master...errr...President..

nannasc said...

In the meadow we can build Obamaland
And we know that he's a circus clown.
We'll have lots of fun with Obama clown.
Until the Tea Party people knock us down.

Walking in la la oh, Obama land.

Anonymous said...

Thank you children for taking our message of socialism home with you. Mmm...mmm..mmm

Toeggy said...

I am the Wicked Which of the Left ...You're doomed .... doomed I said

Jennifer said...

Kids, your tax bill will be "this big" by the time you are working. Stay in school-the better the education, the more you make, and the more you make, the more we can take!

Anonymous said...

"Others like to say Jesus loves you but the Obama household says Karl Marx loves you. Now its time for recession... I mean umm recess."

Unknown said...

I can pass the sniff test, even if Barack's policies can't!

Anonymous said...

To the toon of "all in the family" Sing along with me.. Before there was a welfare state everybody pulled his weight, now we will get to chosen your fate, These are the days. If you work real hard and make alot of money, we'll make sure that we take most of it honey. These are the days. If you don't like the new health care bill, go on and tell it to Dr. Phil. We do not care about the bill of rights, the constitution isn't worth the fight.These are the days.We pass bills in secret in the middle of the night. Look to my husband because I think he is always right.Mmm,Mmm,Mmm these are the days.

Anonymous said...

Oprah loves me! She really, really loves me!

Anonymous said...

WEEEEEEEEEEE look at me. You can be married to a Liar,crook,thief,traitor and still be first lady. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Scorpio said...

Hello you beautiful little minons of mine...HAHAHAHA