Sunday, January 10, 2010

Underpants Bomber Abdulmutallab 'Singing Like A Bird" Until Put In Civilian Court System

Reportedly, Eric Holder made the decision to prosecute underpants bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in civilian US court. The justification for this is unfathomable. Abdulmutallab is a foreign citizen and the attempted attack took place in the air, not on US soil. If a civilian trial was desirable later, there is no reason it could not have happened. After all, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is being tried in civilian court after several years of military detention. Now we find out Abdulmutallab was 'singing like a bird' until Team Obama allowed him to 'lawyer up.' Eric Holder should be fired for putting liberal political goals above the safety of American citizens.

The Telegraph
The chance to secure crucial information about al-Qaeda operations in Yemen was lost because the Obama administration decided to charge and prosecute Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as an ordinary criminal, critics say. He is said to have reduced his co-operation with FBI interrogators on the advice of his government-appointed defence counsel....

"He was singing like a canary, then we charged him in civilian proceedings, he got a lawyer and shut up,"...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it make you feel more secure that the Bomber who Burned his Balls is all lawyered up now?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I feel secure that the justice system that was good enough to put away Jeffrey Dahmer is good enough for this joker.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

TRUTH 101 said...

"I feel secure that the justice system that was good enough to put away Jeffrey Dahmer is good enough for this joker."

The question isn't can they 'put him away?" I am wondering what intelligence information we may have missed out on.