Saturday, May 8, 2010

ABC News/WaPo Poll Shocker: 1 In 7 Democrats Are "Birthers"

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released yesterday had a shocking result. Fifteen percent (15%) of Democrats think President Obama may have been born in a foreign country. Eighteen percent (18%) of Independents and thirty-one (31%) of Republicans believe Obama may have been born abroad. There is a constitutional requirement that Presidents be "natural born" citizens. President Obama has released a "short form" computer generated birth certificate to, but detractors want to see his original "long form" birth certificate because it contains more information; such as the Doctor's name and Hospital of birth. The State of Hawaii has issued a statement attesting to Barack Obama's Hawaiian birth. For some unknown reason, President Obama has refused to clear up American's lingering confusion about his birth by asking Hawaii to release his "long form" original birth certificate. It is strange Obama would allow 15% of his core constituency and 18% of Independents to think his presidency is unconstitutional. Here is a post from 2009 exploring the controversy about President Obama's birth record.

Graphic from ABC News (pdf)


B. Johnson said...

Beware that the White House is successfully side-stepping the real problem when it claims that Obama was born in Hawaii. The real problem is that, since Obama's father was probably not a US citizen, Obama cannot be a natural born citizen no matter where he was born, and is therefore constitutionally unqualified to be president.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

B. Johnson said...

"Beware that the White House is successfully side-stepping the real problem when it claims that Obama was born in Hawaii. The real problem is that, since Obama's father was probably not a US citizen, Obama cannot be a natural born citizen no matter where he was born, and is therefore constitutionally unqualified to be president."

What is meant by "natural born" is not well defined legally, but what you say could be true. Unfortunately, SCOTUS won't touch this issue with a ten foot pole.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen legally to someone that becomes president under false pretenses?