Thursday, February 6, 2014

Venezuela’s Socialist President: “We will expropriate whatever needs to be expropriated,”

He should appropriate some toilet paper because Venezuelans still don't have any...

Via ElUniversal:
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro set Monday, February 12, as deadline for companies to abide by the Law on Costs and Fair Prices.
“We will expropriate whatever needs to be expropriated,” Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro cautioned in reference to the new Law of Costs and Fair Prices.
Concomitantly, the president urged private companies to comply with the new law. His statements came during the commemoration of the coup attempt of February 4, 1992.
The Venezuelan president threatened to take “the most radical measures to protect our people’s economy.”
“I make an appeal to the country economic sectors, for work and self-regulation of commodities and prices. You have time until next Monday; otherwise, I will take the most radical measures,” Maduro specified.
“I am determined to make an economic revolution. Nobody, nothing will stop me!” he said.

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