Saturday, February 1, 2014

Woman too stupid to get $9 birth control at Target while in college wants to run for Congress...

Sandra Fluke, who was too stupid to get $9 a month birth control at Target while in college, wants to run for Congress. Well, she is a democrat...

"Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy," regarding the Catholic university's policy of not covering birth control. "Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school."

Via CBS Local:
Sandra Fluke, the women’s rights activist who became a lightning rod in a national discussion about contraception, said she is “strongly considering” a run for Henry Waxman’s soon-to-be vacant House seat.
Waxman, 74, a longtime liberal California Democrat, described by friends and foes alike as one of the most prolific congresspersons of modern times, announced Thursday that he would retire at the end of the legislative session.
In a statement released after Waxman’s announcement, the 32-year-old Fluke said, “I’m flattered that I’m being discussed as a potential candidate, especially for Rep. Waxman’s seat, considering his incredible legacy. A number of folks I respect very deeply have reached out today and encouraged me to run. I am strongly considering running. I’ll be making my decision soon.”
Waxman served in Congress for 40 years.

1 comment:

I.M Fletcher said...

She almost looks the twin of Lena Dunham and probably just as much a dumb liberal.