Tuesday, September 10, 2013

House Speaker John Boehner tries Obamacare defunding 'Jedi Mind Trick' on Tea Party

John Boehner and Eric Cantor want to pass a continuing resolution that funds Obamacare and a separate measure that defunds it. Of course, the Senate will never pass the measure defunding Obamacare. The trick is to let Boehner and establishment Republicans claim they voted for a CR to defund Obamacare. This would just be another of the many meaningless token anti-Obamacare votes Boehner has called.

Via CNS News:
Press reports say the Republican strategy calls for the House to pass a continuing resolution that funds Obamacare, as well as a separate measure that would amend the CR to defund Obamacare. The Democrat-led Senate, however, would never pass the second resolution. Yet House Republicans could claim they did pass a measure to defund Obamacare.

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