Thursday, November 26, 2009

CBO projections for the Reid Health Care Bill's bill’s true first 10 years Are $2.5 Trillion

The CBO projections for the Reid Health Care Bill's bill’s true first 10 years Are $2.5 Trillion. This is because the taxes are front end loaded and the benefits are back end loaded. That allows the Democrats to claim there is a budget reduction over 10 years. This is a slight of hand Americans must know about.

The Weekly Standard reported:
The Senate Republicans' chart demonstrates that the total for all of these costs -- based on CBO projections for the bill's true first 10 years -- is $2.5 trillion. And costs would only skyrocket from there, as the chart's trajectory suggests. In the 5 years to follow (2024-28), spending on "expansions in insurance coverage" alone would be $1.7 trillion, making the bill's total costs in its real first 15 years well over $4 trillion -- based on CBO projections.

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