Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cost Of Pelosicare Over True 10 Year Window Is $2.4 Trillion

The CBO projection of the cost of Pelosicare includes 4 years of front end loaded taxes and six years after full benefits kick in. A true ten year window is 2014 to 2023. The cost over that time period would be at least $2.4 Trillion according to the Heritage Foundation.
...many in the media have not been reporting its true cost. The true cost is not the net spending on only the coverage related provisions ($897 billion) but rather the total gross spending for the coverage provisions ($1.05 trillion) as well as any additional spending in the bill (approximately $217 billion). That would raise the plan’s price tag to about $1.5 trillion ...

The real story about the true cost is even more dramatic. The bill is front loaded with taxes, and back-loaded with spending in the first ten years.


Anonymous said...

Actually you can do the rough calculation yourself ... The ten year HR3200 CBO analysis assigned $260 billion as the deficit in year ten, and rising. So use that and you get $2.6 trillion, but still rising so it will likely settle in the $3-4 trillion range. And that is just the part that gets added to the debt.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Anonymous said...

"Actually you can do the rough calculation yourself ... The ten year HR3200 CBO analysis assigned $260 billion as the deficit in year ten, and rising. So use that and you get $2.6 trillion, but still rising so it will likely settle in the $3-4 trillion range. And that is just the part that gets added to the debt."

You are depressing me with facts. LOL.