Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Active duty soldier faces court marshal for refusing to accept Obama as Commander-in Chief

An active duty soldier is facing a possible court marshal for refusing to accept Obama as Commander-in Chief. Lt. Easterling joined the Army at the age of 40 after working in Iraq as a contractor. According to a WND story, Lt. Easterling wrote,
"Obama has absolutely refused to provide to the American public his original birth certificate, as well as other documents which may prove or disprove his eligibility, In fact, he has fought every attempt made by concerned citizens in their effort to force him to do so. Until Mr. Obama releases a 'vault copy' of his original birth certificate for public review, I will consider him neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather, a usurper to the Office – an impostor."

According to WND,
Lt. has been advised to obtain legal counsel before making any statements regarding the commander-in-chief, but he insisted on moving forward. His contention is that as an active member of the U.S. military, he is required to follow orders from a sitting president, and he needs – on pain of court-martial – to know that Obama is eligible.

Lt. Easterling is the first active duty serviceman to join a lawsuit seeking verification of Obama's natural born status.


Anonymous said...

The supreme court has already been satisfied enough with his citizenship to throw out the last challenge to it. I don't see how this is likely to lead to anything useful.

I haven't seen any credible sources debating his citizenship. The closest I've seen is citing the term "natural born" in the constitution. A valid argument, but one under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

The document he has shown is not an actual birth certificate. Obama not showing is the same as admitting he is not a natural born citizen. He is the Muslims greatest coup on America. 911 didnt do the job they hoped for so they found someone who could b.s. the American people.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You still flogging this dead horse IR? This proves what I say about the Republican Party pandering to nuts. Repeat a lie often enough and idiots will believe it.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

TRUTH101 said...

"You still flogging this dead horse IR? This proves what I say about the Republican Party pandering to nuts. Repeat a lie often enough and idiots will believe it"

I am not so sure this horse is dead. We may yet ride him again.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Obama just proof he is legit and provite what the public needs. More and more soldiers are going to say the same stuff. I also have a feeling a lot of states will follow. This will be the second Civil war. Oh yeah and most of the soldiers will be on the side asking for Obama to provide his vault certificate.

I personally think Obama is the antichrist but that is just me.