Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sen. Judd Gregg withdraws nomination for commerce secretary

Republican Sen. Judd Gregg has withdrawn his nomination for U.S. commerce secretary. The stated reason is his disagreement with the Obama Administration over the stimulus bill. The real reason is probably the humiliation he has suffered over reports Obama is taking the 2010 census away from him. I am sure he disagrees with the stimulus and the partisan way it was rammed through the Senate. However, I doubt that is reason enough to withdraw. The stimulus bill does provide a good cover for his withdrawal over the census issue.

Sen. Gregg Withdraws as Commerce Secretary Nominee
Republican Sen. Judd Gregg has withdrawn his nomination for U.S. commerce secretary.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Republican Sen. Judd Gregg withdrew his nomination to be President Obama's commerce secretary on Thursday, citing "irresolvable conflicts" over issues like the economic stimulus package and the census.

"It has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the census there are irresolvable conflicts for me," Gregg of New Hampshire said in a written statement.


Anonymous said...

Senator Judd Gregg had a multimillion dollar investment, the preponderance of his assets, with the Bank of America when he led the Republican effort to bail out the banks with the TARP program.

Anonymous said...

I think it's perfectly fine that Sen. Gregg withdrew from his nomination. I know, Obama was aiming for bipartisanship, but let's is kind of hard to do that if there is no compromise.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't know how partisan you are Ir, but I thought it was a foolish attempt at pandering to whoever it is that preaches this bipartisan nonsense. Gregg and Obama are better off without this relationship.