Saturday, February 7, 2009

Obama forces charges dropped against USS Cole bombing mastermind

Rahim al-Nashiri is the accused mastermind of the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 American sailors. He was one of the three al Qaeda prisoners to be water boarded. He confessed. The charges against him have been dropped because of President Obama's request that legal proceedings against Gitmo detainees be halted pending a review of the process. President Obama has directed that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp be closed within one year. I guess he will release this monster at that time. The families of the USS Cole are very angry. I agree with them. This is an outrage. They have been forced to wait too long for justice.
Judge drops charges in USS Cole bombing case
Fri Feb 6, 2009 6:59am EST
By Jane Sutton and Andrew Gray

MIAMI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The judge overseeing U.S. war crimes court at Guantanamo on Thursday dismissed the charges against a Saudi prisoner accused of plotting the bombing of the Navy warship USS Cole, the Pentagon said.

The move avoided a showdown between the U.S. military and President Barack Obama. It canceled a hearing that had been set for Monday in the Guantanamo war crimes court, despite the fact Obama had ordered a freeze in proceedings there.

Susan Crawford, the retired judge who oversees the commissions, issued a ruling dismissing without prejudice all charges against Saudi national Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, said Pentagon spokesman Navy Commander J.D. Gordon.(excerpted) read more at


jmsjoin said...

Families are right to be outraged!Whatever you think of water boarding they confessed. I don't care what made them, they did that is all that matters.
Sure Obama made water boarding illegal but it was no0t under Bush! Any confession attained at that time should stand and if not it is an outrage!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's an outrage that our former President approved the use of torture. The monster hasn't been released and and charges can be brought against him again.

Think if that was you or your son being tortured into a confession Patriot.

Anonymous said...

TRUTH101, you're a liar. Water boarding is NOT torture.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I will say this...if in the end...the case is not tried and the guy walks free...then there is no justice. I suspect that the review over this case will reveal little different than the facts we already knew.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

Pardoning Islamic terrorists.

My how Muslim of Obama. I'm sure the Muslim world is thrilled.

(Who cares what Americans think.)

Obama has his loyalties where he said he did on the first interview he did - to his Muslim ties, background, having been raised a Muslim.

He's making himself very clear to the Muslim world and to America.

What's his approval rating?? Still in the double digits?? How many communists who support Muslim Sharia Law - how many Muslims do we have in the USA?? They're the only ones, imo, who should still approve of him - or ever approve of him at all. The rest are deceived.